Journal Articles
​H. Ji, J. Trevino, R. Tu, E. Knapp, J. McQuade, V. Yurkiv, F. Mashayek, LT. Vuong, Long-Range Self-Assembly via the Mutual Lorentz Force of Plasmon Radiation, Nano Letters, 18, 4, 2564-70 (2018).
S. Guddala, R. Collison, M. Khatoniar, H. Bokhari, J. Trevino, V.M. Menon, Strong coupling of 2D excitons to surface lattice modes of plasmonic crystals. In CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM2O-7, Optical Society of America, (2018).​
​Y. Deshko, L. Krusin-Elbaum, V. Menon, A. Khanikaev, J. Trevino, ” Surface plasmon polaritons in topological insulator nano-films and superlattices,” Opt. Express, 7, 7398-7410 (2016). 

C. G. Pappas, P. W. J. M. Frederix, T. Mutasa, S. Fleming, Y. M. Abul-Haija, S. M. Kelly, A. Gachagan, D. Kalafatovic, J. Trevino, R. V. Ulijn, S. Bai, ”Alignment of nanostructured tripeptide gels by directional ultrasonication,” Chem. Commun., 51, 8465-8468 (2015). 

J. Trevino, X. A. Fu, M. Mehregany, and C. A. Zorman, ”Doped polycrystalline 3C-SiC films with low stress for MEMS: part II Characterization using micromachined structures,” J. of Micromech. Microeng., 24, 6, 065001 (2014). 

A. Casadei, E. F. Pecora, J. Trevino, C. Forestiere, D. Rueffer, E. Russo-Averchi, F. Matteini, G. Tutuncuoglu, M. Heiss, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, L. Dal Negro, ”Photonic-plasmonic coupling of GaAs single nanowires to optical nanoantennas,” Nano Lett., 14, 5, 2271 (2014). 

X. A. Fu, J. Trevino, M. Mehregany, and C. A. Zorman, ”Doped polycrystalline 3C-SiC films with low stress for MEMS: part I Deposition conditions and film properties,” J. of Micromech. Microeng., 24, 3, 035013 (2014). 

J. Trevino, G. F. Walsh, E. F. Pecora, S. V. Boriskina, L. Dal Negro, ”Photonic-plasmonic-coupled nanoantennas for polarization-controlled multispectral nanofocusing,” Opt. Lett., 38, 22, 4861-4863 (2013). 

F. Intonti, N. Caselli, N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, D. S. Wiersma, and L. Dal Negro, ”Near-field distribution and propagation of scattering resonances in Vogel spiral arrays of dielectric nanopillars,” New J. Phys.15, 085023 (2013). 

D. S. Simon, N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, L. Dal Negro, and A. V. Sergienko, ”High capacity quantum Fibonacci coding for key distribution,” Phys. Rev. A, 87, 032312 (2013). 

S. Conesa-Boj, E. Russo-Averchi, A. Dalmau-Mallorqui, J. Trevino, E. F. Pecora, C. Forestiere, A. Handin, M. Ek, L. Zweifel, L. R. Wallenberg, D. Rffer, M. Heiss, D. Troadec, L. Dal Negro, P. Caroff, and A. Fontcuberta i Morral ”Vertical III-V V-Shaped nano-membranes epitaxially grown on a patterned Si[001] substrate and their enhanced light scattering,” ACS Nano, 6, 12, 1098210991 (2012). 

N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, and L. Dal Negro, ”Control of optical orbital angular momentum by Vogel spiral arrays of metallic nanoparticles,” Opt. Lett. 37, 24, 50765078 (2012). 

D. Lin, H. Tao, J. Trevino, J.P. Mondia, D.L. Kaplan, F.G. Omenetto, and L. Dal Negro, ”Direct transfer of sub-wavelength plasmonic nanostructures on bio-active silk films,” Adv. Mater., 24, 45, 60886093, (2012). 

L. Dal Negro, N. Lawrence, and J. Trevino ”Analytical light scattering and orbital angular momentum spectra of arbitrary Vogel spirals”, Opt. Express, 20, 18209 (2012). 

A. Capretti, G. F. Walsh, S. Minissale, J. Trevino, C. Forestiere, G. Miano, and L. Dal Negro ”Multipolar second-harmonic generation from planar arrays of Au nanoparticles,” Opt. Express, 20, 14, 15797-15806 (2012). 

N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, and L. Dal Negro Aperiodic arrays of active nanopillars for radiation engi- neering, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 113101 (2012). 

J. Trevino, C. Forestiere, G. Di Martino, S. Yerci, F. Priolo, and L. Dal Negro Plasmonic-photonic arrays with aperiodic spiral order for ultra thin-film solar cells, Opt. Express 20, 3, A418-A430 (2012). 

E. F. Pecora, N. Lawrence, P. Gregg, J. Trevino, P. Artoni, A. Irrera, F. Priolo, and L. Dal Negro, Nanopatterning of silicon nanowires for enhancing visible photoluminescence, Nanoscale 4, 2863-2866 (2012). 

J. Trevino, S. F. Liew, H. Noh, H. Cao, and L. Dal Negro, Geometrical structure, multifractal spectra and localized optical modes of aperiodic Vogel spirals, Opt. Express 20, 3, 3015-3033 (2012). 

S. F. Liew, H. Noh, J. Trevino, L. Dal Negro, and H. Cao, Localized photonic band edge modes and orbital angular momenta of light in a golden-angle spiral, Opt. Express 19, 24, 23631-23642 (2011). 

S. Y. Lee, C. Forestiere, A. J. Pasquale, J. Trevino, G. Walsh, P. Galli, M. Romagnoli, and L. Dal Negro, Plasmon-enhanced structural coloration of metal films with isotropic Pinwheel nanoparticle arrays, Opt. Express 19, 24, 23818-23830 (2011). 

J. Trevino, H. Cao, and L. Dal Negro, Circularly-symmetric light scattering from nanoplasmonic spirals, Nano Lett. 11, 5, 2008 (2011). 

D. Sparks, J. Trevino, S. Massoud-Ansari, N. Najafi, An all-glass chip-scale MEMS package with variable cavity pressure, J. Micromech. Microeng. 16, 2488-2491 (2006). 

V. Hatty, H. Kahn, J. Trevino, M. Mehregany, C. A. Zorman, R. Ballarini, and A. H. Heuer, Fracture toughness of LPCVD polycrystalline silicon carbide thin films, App. Phys. Lett. 99, 013517-013523 (2006). 

Book Chapters
L. Dal Negro, J. Trevino, N. Lawrence, Engineering the Orbital Angular Momentum of Light with Plasmonic Vogel Spiral Arrays, “Singular and Chiral Nanoplasmonics,” ed. N. Zheludev and S. Boriskina, Pan Stanford Publishing, pp. 335-374, 2014, Print
L. Dal Negro, C. Forestiere, N. Lawrence, S. Lee, J. Trevino, G. Walsh, Aperiodic Order in Nanoplasmonics, in “Plasmonics: Theory and applications,” ed. T. V. Shahbazyan and M. I. Stockman, Springer Publishing Company, pp. 330-378, 2013, Print
L. Dal Negro, N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, G. Walsh, Aperiodic Order in Nanophotonics, in “Optics of Aperiodic Structures: Fundamentals and Applications,” ed. L. Dal Negro, Pan Stanford Scientific, pp.1-56, 2013, Print
H. Cao, L. Dal Negro, H. Noh, J. Trevino, Lasing in Deterministic Aperiodic Nanostructures, Title to be determined, Pan Stanford Publishing Ltd, pp. 143-178, 2013, Print
L. Dal Negro, N. Lawrence, J. Trevino, G. Walsh, Aperiodic Nanoplasmonics, in “Optics of Aperiodic Structures:
Fundamentals and Applications,” ed. L. Dal Negro, Pan Stanford Scientific, pp. 239-310, 2013, Print